The New Covenant – Ken 26/10/2014 Covenant, Faith The New Covenant – Ken Kingdom Covenant 19/10/2014 Ken Lethborg Covenant, Life of Christ, Salvation 12/10/2014 KEN 12/10/2014 Ken Lethborg Christ formed in you! 01/10/2014 Faith, Salvation, Sanctification 20-07-2014 Ken Part 1 20/07/2014 Ken Lethborg 20-07-2014 Ken Part 1 Guest Speaker Leighton 13/07/2014 Guest Speaker Leighton Darren 29/06/2014 29/06/2014 Darren 29/06/2014 ACC REGIONAL LEADERS MEETING 2014 22/06/2014 In Christ Part 2 25/05/2014 Ken Lethborg Faith, Salvation, Sanctification This week Ken went into more detail about our position in Christ. In Christ 18/05/2014 Faith, Salvation, Sanctification, Worship In this message Ken looks at what is is to be in Christ and Christ in us.
In Christ Part 2 25/05/2014 Ken Lethborg Faith, Salvation, Sanctification This week Ken went into more detail about our position in Christ.
In Christ 18/05/2014 Faith, Salvation, Sanctification, Worship In this message Ken looks at what is is to be in Christ and Christ in us.